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constructor is the core method of @overlays/core, representing a special overlays constructor that receives all the information needed to mount a pop-up layer and implements the mounting of the overlays layer.

You may not need to use Constructor. We provide different Overlays Constructor implementations for different frameworks. Please check the packages to find the one for the framework you are using!

Custom Constructor

Create a custom constructor through createConstructor, which receives a mount function, with internal parameters including component, props, and options, where options are the mounting configurations.

export interface CustomComponent {
  (props: any): Element

export interface CustomOptions {
  // Your custom configuration
  className?: string

const constructor = createConstructor<CustomComponent, CustomOptions>(
  (component, props, options) => {
    // Options contain the passed-in custom configuration
    const { container, id, index, deferred, className } = options

    function vanish() {

    const inst = component({
      // Pass the deferred to the component
      // Pass the destruction method to the component

    // Use custom configuration
    if (className)

    // Mount the element

Use Constructor

createConstructor returns the define and render methods. define is used to define an imperative callback, while render directly renders.

function Component(props) {
  const element = document.createElement('div')
  element.innerHTML = `
    <div class="dialog-card">
      <div class="dialog-title">${props.title || 'Dialog'}</div>
      <div class="dialog-content">${props.content}</div>
      <div class="dialog-footer">
        <button class="confirm"> confirm </button>
        <button class="close"> close </button>

  // Add events that cause the pop-up layer to end
  element.querySelector('button.confirm').onclick = function () {

  // Add events that cause the pop-up layer to pop up
  element.querySelector('button.close').onclick = function () {

  // When the deferred is triggered by the outside or the component, the component should be destroyed.
  props.deferred.finally(() => props.vanish())

  return element

// Define the imperative callback
const callback = constructor.define(Component, { className: 'custom-class' })

Mount the custom component by using the imperative callback defined by constructor.define and obtain the return value.

const result = await callback({
  title: 'Goodbye',
  content: 'Opportunities may not always come, but when they do, seize them.'

// result: ok

Alternatively, directly render the component by using constructor.render.

const result = await constructor.render(Component, {
  title: 'Goodbye',
  content: 'Opportunities may not always come, but when they do, seize them.'
// result: ok

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